Welcome to the “Looky Here!” Blog tab! It’s all about the art talk here!

  My name is Autumn Vann and I am a contemporary artist in Texas. I’d like to write about all things art. It could be things happening locally, achievements, goals, resources, tutorials, books, inspiration, etc. 

I’ve been painting for roughly fourteen years now and would love to become a more active member of the online art making/art loving community  Lately, I’ve been working on expanding how I create my art. I’ve always heard that artists spread themselves “too thin” when branching out to different mediums or when exploring different styles. Personally, l believe it is great for artists to explore and possibly pursue their different interests in the art making field. 

I had recently started taking a local pottery class and I feel it has opened up a whole new world for me to learn from. I always look forward to the days when pottery lessons are coming up. I’m nearing two months of going to this studio and I have met a lot of welcoming artists and friends to learn from! I feel if I made myself stick to only painting I’d only be purposely limiting myself.

Speaking of broadening my creative horizons I’ve also been crocheting much more lately. Sometimes painting for me can be an isolating activity due to how much of my attention it can require as well as how messy at times it can be. If I have a creative itch but have a friend coming over, gotta go somewhere, or I just want to watch a movie with family I can at least work on my crochet projects while still being social. Learning how to crochet has helped me talk to other fiber artists as well as friends and family who also knit or crochet. It’s been a great source of inspiration.

Another way I’ve actually branched out without even switching mediums is exploring new material and themes in my paintings. I’ve really missed making art like a child would. Now as an adult when I start to create a painting I have so many doubts and sometimes question myself. 

“Will this artwork be good enough to share?”

“What if this piece strays too much from my artist statement?”

“Will this piece fit into my other current works stylistically?”

“What if it looks like it was done by a completely different person?”

Honestly, I really thought about my artist statement for a long time and why I make art. I believe art should be a joy to do and something to enjoy once you feel it is done. I’ve tried my best to allow myself to explore different ways of art making. This started to curb some of those doubts I may have and simply focus on creating just for the joy of it, similarly how I would’ve done as a kid. A lot of my current works capture how I paint as an adult as well as how I might’ve interpreted certain scenes/objects as a child. One reason I’ve started doing this in my art is I’ve thrown out a lot of old art I made growing up. (Regrettably so.)

While I know it is impossible to save everything between childhood and now I do wish I saved more than I did so I could see my growth and direction as an artist. Of course my parents have some things I’ve done as a really young kid but teenage me was ruthless in throwing away art I wasn’t personally proud of. Even now I’ll admit I’m guilty of ripping out sketchbook pages here and there I don’t like. 

 Enough about me for now! I’m planning this blog to help document some of my own art as well as be a source of tutorials, insight on my current art, and a place for resources and inspiration!